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I have the windows xp removal virus on my laptop.

Have followed the instructions but am having some issues.

On my laptop the desktop is just a blank screen with no icons on it.

The first time I downloaded the malware program it updated & scanned ok.

When I restarted the laptop the virus was still there. But as I had no

desktop or "programs" I couldn't find the malware program to start it.

So I ran the installer again. I had to change the folder it installs to

as I kept getting an error message. Anyway ran again & virus still there.

As before no desktop or "programs" so installed the program again but this time

it will not update, I get the massage 12007, 0, winhttpsendrequest.

I have uninstalled malware & tried re installing it but I still get the update problem.

I have since worked out how to get the "programs" back into the start menu but still no


So I still have this virus & I can't update Malwarebytes to run it.

Can anyone help?

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If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned....

Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process:

You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below:

[*]Option 1

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