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I have Windows XP SP3 and I am using Firefox 4.0.1. I was infected with XP Security 2011. I followed some instructions I found and using Malwarebytes I was able to remove the infection. During the process it asked me if I wanted to set some registry values pertaining to proxy settings. Thinking this was just a click through thing I said yes. It turns out that now every time I start Firefox I can't connect to the internet. I have to go into connection setting and change it from manual proxy connection with values input from the malware fix dialog to no proxy usage. Once I do that I can connect as normal, but it changes back each time Firefox opens again due to the registry key.

I would like to know how to delete or change the registry key so this quits happening.

Thanks for any help,



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Hello, and Welcome to Malwarebytes

Being that you were infected, it could be the malware that was on your computer still causing this....

If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned....

Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process:

You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below:

[*]Option 1

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