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When I bought Malwarebytes I bought two licenses one for my father's computer and one for mine. My computer crapped out. The monitor won't even turn on anymore and we are having other problems with that computer and there is no way to uninstall Malwarebytes off that computer, but it won't be in use. When I get a new computer can I use the same lisence on the new computer even though it is still on the old. The computer won't even turn on so there is no way to uninstall before installing it on the new one. Thank you.


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Hello and :welcome:

More than likely since you can not uninstall or even run the other computer you will be fine installing it on the new computer so long as you only have it running actively on one computer.

Should you run into any issues you could contact Cleverbridge as stated below...

You should contact Cleverbridge.....

If you lost your ID and License Key then send an email to: cs@cleverbridge.com


Phone: +1-866-522-6855

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM (CST)

Also, their contact info can be found HERE.

when you get the email Print it out

Malwarebytes Tech support does not have any access to, nor information pertaining to any sales\shipping\user account\registration issues.

If you need anything else just post.

Thanks :)

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