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Is something called GPU process; looking around on Google, it is something to do with WebGL running, even though it will still run with just New Tab open and nothing else.

Also Flash is running, even though I thought it would only run when Flash is actually being used?

Thanks. ;)

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Ok, they both are now showing up on mine as well. The appear when you go to a page that uses Flash, but will not go away if you go to a different page. If I close Google Chrome and then it doesn't show up at all, but if I go to another page that uses Flash then it appears again and stays up until I close the browser. However, once I leave that page it no longer uses any of my CPU and the memory usage stays constant.

To me it seems like this just may a bug on Adobe's end. Perhaps even on Google's end since it is happening on their browser.

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I've sometimes observed the same thing with IE. I visit a page that uses Flash so the Flash Player process runs, but it hangs around even when I navigate to a non-Flash page. I guess it's supposed to make Flash content load faster if it's pre-loaded, or it may have to do with Flash caching content (like previously viewed video that gets stored in a temp location etc.).

On rare occasions, it's even hung around after I closed IE, but that doesn't happen too often, and when it does and I notice it, I just kill the process and don't have any issues.

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