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Hi there,

I'm hoping someone can help me figure out how to clean up my computer. I should first say, I'm a beginner with computers, so it would help if the comments/instructions are provided in plain terms (if possible).

This is the problem:

We have a Windows XP System.

My husband's profile (admin) has been affected to the point that he can't launch IE. He has no problem opening his Outlook and it seems to be updating fine.

My account (admin) seems to be unaffected.

Guest account also seems to be unaffected.

I ran ESET Smart Security scan on both husband's profile and mine and nothing came up.

I ran Malware scan on my side - nothing came up.

I ran Malware scan on husband's side, a few things came up.

A few days ago, result= Backdoor.cycbot.gen. I googled to find out what I could do to remove this and found it all very complicated.

I also looked at his Control Panel/Programs to see if anything was weird and noticed Contextual Tool Profithand, which again, when googled, was found to be not a good thing.

I ran a Malware scan this am, results = hijack.shell.gen and trojan.agent.

I chose the option Remove Selected, resulting in successfully deleted results.

I logged him off and logged back in. Still can't launch IE.

I'm now running another Malware scan on his profile, but had to come to my profile to use IE to join this forum.

Does anyone have any advice/instructions on how to get his profile back to normal?


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