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STARGATE UNIVERSE; Part 3 - Series ending left possibility to undo cancellation

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We had two threads running earlier about the cancellation of Stargate; Universe. RE: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=76814&view=findpost&p=395569 and RE: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=76563&view=findpost&p=394393

I believe the producers of the series, now ended, and canceled, altered the already taped last episode to leave a place in the time line of the defunct series to return to if SyFy ever gets its "wrestle mania" head out of its ***.

It was subtle as well as being pretty darned sneaky too. By putting DESTINY on minimum power and putting all the members of the crew in stasis, it ended properly without leaving viewers hanging BUT if the series ever gets a "GO", they can awakened from stasis and "carry on Garth!"

There is a DVD being released soon with all kinds of extras and cut footage from the final episodes. I'm hoping to see if my guess is right as when the final 10 episodes were being shot, they didn't know they were going to be canceled and I'm betting there was a different "final" episode for the season's ending than the series ending.


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