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Alrighty, so my friend ended up getting this virus, or malware on his computer. After doing a lot of looking on ways to remove it I stumbled upon a few people recommending malwarebytes. His computer will NOT allow him to go online at all. So, I downloaded the malwarebytes onto a flash drive using my computer. When I try to run it from my computer it runs fine, but when I run it on his it gives me a "runtime error '0'" pop-up, followed by a "runtime error '440'" pop-up. How can I get around these runtime errors to actually run the program on his computer? We are both running windows 7. His computer has no other virus protection software on it, so it may have other viruses too, I don't know for sure. My computer is protected. Thanks in advance.


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Well, got the problem worked out, no thanks to malwarebytes, or the help here. 10 hours later and still no responses? Anyway, if anybody has this problem that I had, Spybot S&D worked just fine to remove the malware. He is now going to be getting kaspersky on his computer and hopefully that will prevent any future problems. If you have the same problem I had, I suggest downloading Spybot S&D to a jump drive, and then running Spybot from the jump drive on the infected computer. Good Luck!


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