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Hello, everyone.

I am a new member at here so I maybe look like an idiot.

Here is my question: Can Malwarebytes' scan Compressed File like .rar .zip .7z?

Or there is an opinion to scan them?

I test virus sample manually, but MBAM won't detect virus in the compressed file.

When I uncompressed the file, MBAM can detect it, through.

So, can Malwarebytes' scan ''into'' a compressed file?

Another suggestion, can MBAM set something like ''scan .... kind of file''?

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Hello and :welcome:

At this point in time, Malwarebytes latest version does not, or can not scan inside an archived file in zip, rar, 7z files. There has been talk of this before, but not sure if they will implement it at one point.

Hope that answers your question.

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Guest name cool

Use a check box to open the option?

Will it be better?

Yes, that's fine, but sometimes I forget about this option and I think even Anti-Virus does not have this option. :)

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But are you planning to add this function?


Another question, MBAM will scan registry before files.

But what registry will MBAM scan?

I am not on the staff so I can not say if it is planned or not in any future updates....

As for the way MBAM scans the registry, or if its first or second, I am not sure, I know it does scan the registry and it scans HKLM and HKCU at the moment....

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Hello, everyone.

I am a new member at here so I maybe look like an idiot.

Here is my question: Can Malwarebytes' scan Compressed File like .rar .zip .7z?

Or there is an opinion to scan them?

I test virus sample manually, but MBAM won't detect virus in the compressed file.

When I uncompressed the file, MBAM can detect it, through.

So, can Malwarebytes' scan ''into'' a compressed file?

Another suggestion, can MBAM set something like ''scan .... kind of file''?


Unless a file is executed or already has been then it really is of no threat to the system. Compressed files do no harm unless you extract them and run them.:)

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