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Hi I'm Annabelle, I'm 17, a student and I've just joined the forum! I've had MBAM for a while now so I thought I'd join up :P.

Also, I'm having some trouble with installing some programs (iTunes, Quicktime, it even happened with updating MBAM but seemed to install successfully.) and the same or similar error keeps appearing: "%APPDATA%\" or "userappdata" and I'm unsure about what it is or how to fix it. :(

I'll have a lurk around to see if there has been any other similar forum posts with this problem, but for now I'll end this post with a smiley face. :lol: x

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Hi I'm Annabelle, I'm 17, a student and I've just joined the forum! I've had MBAM for a while now so I thought I'd join up :P.

Also, I'm having some trouble with installing some programs (iTunes, Quicktime, it even happened with updating MBAM but seemed to install successfully.) and the same or similar error keeps appearing: "%APPDATA%\" or "userappdata" and I'm unsure about what it is or how to fix it. :(

I'll have a lurk around to see if there has been any other similar forum posts with this problem, but for now I'll end this post with a smiley face. :lol: x

Hi Annabelle.

If you think that this is just some system performance issue post a new topic here describing your situation and an Advisor will be glad to help you.

However, if you think you may be infected follow the instructions outlined here. Remember that some problems with system behavior do not necessarily mean that your computer is infected.

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