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I'm new here, i recently received a new notebok with pre-installed McAfee...whether its 2010 or 2011 I'm not entirely sure.

I haven't been an avid McAfee user in the past however.

I recently got infected by the RelevantKnowledge adware..... I know so early in this laptop's life lol.

Anyways, I wanted to install MalwareBytes the free version on this PC, being the staple malware remover that it is.

I have heard that there have been some conflicts with McAfee 2010 and MalwareBytes Pro.

Could someone perhaps tell me whether the MalwareBytes Free version also conflicts with Mcafee 2010 or even with McAfee 2011?

I'm inclined to think that i have the McaFee 2011 version but I really don't have a clue......unlike other anti-virus suites that I'm used to McAfee just doesn't blatently state it.

Thanks guys...looking forward to the replies :)


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Greetings and welcome :)

You shouldn't have any issues at all running the free version with McAfee, as for the PRO version, I haven't heard of any issues recently between it and McAfee so you shouldn't have any trouble, and if you do you may immediately contact support@malwarebytes.org and they will assist you with getting the two of them to work together.

If you do find that you're running the 2010 version of McAfee with a valid subscription, then you should check their website to see if they offer a free upgrade to the 2011 version, as many antivirus vendors do offer free program version upgrades as long as your subscription is still active :).

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Thanks for the reply, exile.

I have been reading through the various threads posted on this malwarebytes forum page.

I came across one which seems quite recent March, 2011 to be exact.


But it is relating to the pro version, with a given work around....However, I am unsure whether I'd be needing the services of the workaround as I am planning on using the Free version.

And thanks again for the tip bout McAfee upgrade. :)

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Problem resolved,

I finally decided to take the leap of faith and install MBAM (free version) along with my current anti virus McAfee 2011, turns out there weren't any issues. works perfectly.

As a bonus MBAM removed the relevantknowledge adware :D

Thanks, MBAM Team

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