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Today I ran my daily MBAM Quick Scan on my new desktop computer, and as usual there were no problems. Out of idle curiosity, I then ran a Full Scan. To my surprise, it reported a Trojan.Agent in the file c:\Windows\Installer\{4e6f956d-b021-41f4-affb-8ee07d21038d}\icon07da9d2a.txt. I found this strange for several reasons--I just about NEVER have malware, my computer is only two weeks old, the file MBAM flagged was a .txt file, and I had run a full scan with Microsoft Security Essentials yesterday and it found nothing. I nonetheless quarantined the file and ran another full scan, which came up clean. Several hours later, I updated MBAM from database 6577 to 6579, restored the file from quarantine, and ran another full scan. Again MBAM flagged the file. I then uploaded the file to VirusTotal. Only one of the 43 anti-virus programs found a problem: eSafe said it was Win32.Warezov.gen, but the other 42 found no problem.

In preparation for sending this message, I tried to have MBAM produce a developer's log. A year or so ago I did manage to get MBAM to make such a log, but the last two times I've tried to get it to do so, all it produced was a log indistinguishable from the full scan log it produced earlier today.

Anyway, I'm wondering whether MBAM has reported a false positive, or whether MBAM is right and almost every other program is wrong.

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Thank you. This false positive shall be fixed in the next update.

By the way, it's not a text file. It's an executable with a txt extension.

Thanks very much for your prompt response. I'm happy to know that MBAM's warning is a false positive.

I wondered about the .txt extension, and I suspected that maybe the file was some kind of malware masking itself as a harmless text file. I can always find something to worry about. :rolleyes:

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