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Dear team,

I have been struggling with a windows recovery trojan for the last 24 hrs. So far I have been unable to do a full install Malwarebytes as it fails to install and then Rolls back.

To summarise my attemps so far:

# booted in Win7 Safe Mode.

# Ran rkill.exe ( in a renamed form) twice whihc cleaned various names with the exception of ....

# also ran ATFcleaner.exe to remove all files from Windows Temp dir

# ran TDSkiller.exe as a belt and braces effort.

# Ran HyJackThis and cleaned 2 apparent spurious files.

all of this has stopped the Trojan symptoms i.e. constant reminders that my IDE/SATA drive was corrupt,I was running out of space etc etc and also a 10 minute periodic reboot which then returned all the nasties back into resident memory.

So, feeling confident after all this and following several very helpful remedial actions on this forum I then ran a newly downloaded and renamed version of Malwarebytes but still no luck: it got to 100% install and then aborted.

Any suggestions please?

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Dear team,

I have been struggling with a windows recovery trojan for the last 24 hrs. So far I have been unable to do a full install Malwarebytes as it fails to install and then Rolls back.

To summarise my attemps so far:

# booted in Win7 Safe Mode.

# Ran rkill.exe ( in a renamed form) twice which cleaned various names with the exception of C:\Windows\SysWOW64\InfDefaultInstall.exe.exe (could this be the problem file? It wont go no matter how many times rKill is run)

# also ran ATFcleaner.exe to remove all files from Windows Temp dir

# ran TDSkiller.exe as a belt and braces effort.

# Ran HyJackThis and cleaned 2 apparent spurious files.

all of this has stopped the Trojan symptoms i.e. constant reminders that my IDE/SATA drive was corrupt,I was running out of space etc etc and also a 10 minute periodic reboot which then returned all the nasties back into resident memory.

So, feeling confident after all this and following several very helpful remedial actions on this forum I then ran a newly downloaded and renamed version of Malwarebytes but still no luck: it got to 100% install and then aborted.

Any suggestions please?

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