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Hi all, am hoping somebody may be able to help.

I have previously had a virus on my computer which I downloaded the free malawares for and in safe mode was able to get rid of it. However this morning, had a few warnings saying problems with hard drive etc and to restart it. I restarted the computer and since have had a black background and been unable to find any icons on desktop even in safe mode.

I tried redownloading the free version from the net while in safemode as my version was a bit old, but this was blocked .I thought this may be because I already had it. So instead I purchased the pro version but to install it, it needed to close down and when it reopened it said that programme was missing. I have tried to re download it via the link from my email but it says the same thing.At present I have no desktop and can't access my documents etc. I have masters exams this week and would really try anything to get it working.

Thank you in advance

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Greetings :)

We don't work on malware removal in this part of the forums.

Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then create a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one on one assistance when one becomes available.

Please note that it may take 48 hours or more for you to receive a response in the malware removal forum, as it is often busy at times. Please do not reply to your own post asking for help unless its been more than 48 hours since you originally posted, as this can make it appear as though you are being helped and take longer for you to get help.

If you are unable to do all or any of the steps in the link to the directions above, just post your problem into the forum I gave you a link to anyway and someone will be able to assist you.

If you prefer to be assisted via email you may contact support@malwarebytes.org and one of our support staff members will assist you directly.

If you are a reseller, affiliate, technician, corporate, business, educational, government or non-profit customer then please contact corporate-support@malwarebytes.org and include full contact details along with your Reference # when you do to ensure that you receive prompt assistance.

Thank you :)

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