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Windows Recovery Virus: links from Start menu\All Programs folders and desktop shortcuts missing

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My computer contracted the Windows Recovery Virus two days ago. I followed the instructions on the link below, and believe that the virus has been successfully removed using Malwarebytes.


Specifically, I did the following:

- Downloaded and ran RKill to stop the various processes associated with the virus

- Downloaded and ran Malwarebytes; ran a Full Scan, which detected and removed a number of infected objects

- Downloaded and ran Unhide.exe, which restored many of my files which were previously hidden

My problem now is that the various program links within Start menu\All Programs and various program shortcuts on my deskstop are still missing. This is also the case when I log into my other user account on my PC.

Can you please help me with this issue and is there any way to fix the above?

Subsequently, I have used Malwarebytes to run another quick scan, and no infected objects were found this time. Does this mean that the Windows Recovery virus has been removed?

Many thanks in advance for your help!!

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