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Hello Swive,

Error 5 is access denied. Which means you are most likely in a limited user account.

For Windows Vista or 7 Simply Right click on the mbam.exe icon and select run as Admin. (provide credentials if required)

For Windows XP, please log into an admin account.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

Thank you very much!

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Thanks, Mainard....... But I'm logged on as Admin.

Despite the error - when I exit and re-run Mbam, the updated database shows up.

I'm trying to determine whether I have a virus with help from TechSpot.com. Mbam and Norton AV 2011 do not find anything.

I have also run into "Access is Denied" problems trying to back up files from the one other computer on my network.

Never had that problem before - and If I'm on that other computer, I can copy files to my office computer w/ no problem.

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Hello swive,

It seems you may have file permission issues. Is this a work computer? What specific instances did you experience the "access is denied" issue? What operations were you trying to perform?

Thank you very much!

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