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Hello MalwareBytes Staff!

We had received complaints from some of our customers that our main website as been blocked due one of the following reason:

#1. Main www.supraz2000.com of our store are redirecting the online store in "French" or "English" du to a script detection of the Internet Explorer language that one of our developper company installed that script into our website.

#2. The other reason is that we had been hacked to our main server in the last year and their used our server to send spam to external email. We had a newsletter campaign but only limited to our internal customers.

Everybody use MalwareBytes Free or Pro edition and went direclty to the main website, any browser show a blank page and malwarebyte are showing a popup that something has been blocked. If we use the redirect link, thoes one are not blocked "http://catalog.supraz2000.com" or "http://www.catalogue.supraz2000.com" for the english and french version of the website.

I've send a technical support ticket to resolve that issue and received a email refered to that forum.

How can we resolved that issue with you?

Thank You,

Stephane, Technical Support.



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