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Wondering if anyone else has noticed this anomally since about Christmas 2010 through now.

I joined the MBAM board and forums on 10 March 2010 and made a lot of friends, acquaintances and a few people while not really enemies were irritating. It's happened so slowly one would have had started looking for people they once knew before they realized those people were gone. So; what the heck?? In the words of my generation...

Where have all the flowers gone.. --Joan Baez


Just curious.. and sad..


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I hear ya Steve. I'm an Admin on another board that I was quite active with for a decade and a few of the old timers are still around but not many and the site is very slow these days. Sure was a lot of fun for many years though.

I suppose things change in all our lives and sometimes that can impact us in unexpected ways which can include moving on to other things, but yes I agree it is sad that it happens.

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I've noticed that too.

Hopefully they are all doing well.

Unless some unforeseen circumstance arrives, I will be around though, even if just sparsely at times ;)

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Thanks for the entertainment offer Ernie; just remember; NO pole dancing! :lol::D Last time you tried we wound up spending six hours in the ER room worrying that you had a bad concussion.. :P

Thanks all.. I was wondering if it had anything to do with the software change or if there were other reasons. ;)

At least I know everyone here that's answered - maybe my mind has over-exaggerated the exodus?? :blink: :blink:


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Like Ron, I'm also a Admin at a few other sites.

I've been doing this since Sept 2004 and I can't count the number of great helpers that have just disappeared, mostly from "Burn Out".

Back in 2004 there were only a handle full of help sites and only 3 or 4 that had Ant-Malware Training Classrooms.

The infections have also changed alot and it's much harder to clean a system now.

Just about everyone would graduate. Now most don't make it to graduation.

MalwareBytes has Staff Members that graduated from one of the schools and they could tell you how many they have seen come and go for one reason or another.

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Thanks for the entertainment offer Ernie; just remember; NO pole dancing! :lol::D Last time you tried we wound up spending six hours in the ER room worrying that you had a bad concussion.. :P

Think you guys have too much free time. :lol: :lol:

Been here since late 09 and seen some come and go, but still chugging away.;)

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I'm a moderator at another forum, an exile from yet another one (since late 2009 iirc), a member of a few others, a webmaster of a site (my own), a network administrator (at home, my server is also here), etc. I first got online around 2000-2001 believe but that was negligibly short and rare. I first got online "for real" around 2007-2008, and am a full time Internet resident ever since.

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True, but in reference to the online helpers, that does happen a lot, and I can understand why. It's very hard work and there are always a ton of users in need of help because of how bad the infections are these days.

Other than that, I think that everybody just needs to unplug from the Matrix every once in a while :P.

I recently did so for a bit myself and discovered that outside my door is this really bright hot thing during the day that people call the "Sun". When I first saw it, I was nearly blinded but I eventually did adjust. I was also afraid because of the burning sensation on my skin, but I was assured that it was quite normal after such a long time being spent indoors and that my skin would adapt to it.

Just goes to show, you never know what new things you'll discover if you unplug every once in a while :P.

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Oh yes, I definitely see that burnout is a problem as well.

I hope to be a malware-removal helper at some point, working on this and.or other forums... when I do not know, but it is a goal of mine. I'm sure it's not easy, but it is definitely worth it, for however long one is able to do it :)

I love the outdoors... I go out whenever I have a chance :) I hate when it it is too hot or too cold or too windy though... I'm kinda picky haha.

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