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Elvis has briefly returned to the forum

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Guest Code Hunter

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all of your get well wishes in my previous topic. (Elvis has temporally left the building forum)

On advice from my doctor I am leaving the forum because of the recent tooth/eye infection and hospitalization. I am 56 years old and already depend on bi-focal glasses to see clearly and from what my doctor advises I could damage my eye sight by prolonged use of the computer everyday. He said that sitting in front of a computer 6-8 hours a day for a month is equivalent to staring into a 100 watt light bulb for 15 minutes and will eventually blind you if you keep doing it. This made my decision and easy one because I don't intend on losing my eye sight from using a computer

There's not really much else I have to say so I guess this shall end here.

Code Hunter

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Sorry to see you go Claude. I'll miss our daily banter - public and private - and fun. I'm luckier than most as I can still bust your chops through regular e-mail. :P

Take care, my friend,

God speed..


BTW; your doctor is full of ****.. From 1981 through 1989 I was online (bi-focals and all) up to 8 hours a day albeit green text on black screen; and from that date on, even though it wasn't but 5% of my real job, between work and after work until 2004 I spent 65-70 hours a week on the computer staring at the screen with no ill effect. :unsure: (Yeah; I never had a life :) plus it ****** the wife off as well; a two-fer, grok it?)

Anyway; you have all my info so feel free to contact me if you need anything.. (including a mason jar or two of Tennessee's finest).. Good luck Bud..

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Take care Code Hunter.

@Steve: Agreed. I sit in front of my screen no less than 8 hours per day, every day, when there's school and everything. I can't boast with good eyesight but both my mom and my dad are short-sighted (my dad is only a bit but my mom is a lot). I have never noticed any ill side-effects that many people speak of. Headache, tiredness, etc. I am very weak physically, but that doesn't have to do anything with me sitting all the time. I was always a weak, clumsy kid. I could count my total goals in soccer in low school on the fingers of one hand. But that's off topic so I'll shut up now.

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The effects of that one sinus infection are that serious?


I have had bad sinus infections, but not as severe as that. I hope your current symptoms improve and that you don't lose your eyesight any time soon. You have contributed a lot to MBAM and this break or retirement is well deserved.

P.S. Or maybe you can try using a screenreader like I do so you can both be online without damaging your eyesight.

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I would think by reducing the brightness of your monitor via the monitor's built in settings you could substantially mitigate any damage that would be incurred upon you optical systems without having to give up forum use.

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