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Hi so this morning i got my second bsod saying stop in a fage fault area or something like that. A month or so ago I wiped my laptop completely after bsod were happening almost every minute. A week ago I got my first bsod since wiping clean my laptop, and i got a second one today. I don't want to wipe my laptop clean again so I'm trying to find some solution to fix it. I have a HP Pavilion dv7-1444us laptop

4.00 GB ram

Windows Vista 64 bit operating system

AMD Turion processor

I have also attached the dump files of my last bsod

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Greetings and welcome :)

The BSOD's could be the result of a hardware issue. If your PC is still under warranty, I'd highly recommend that you take it to a certified HP repair shop. There are many out there, including Best Buy among others. They can do a hardware diagnostic to find out if there is a problem with the system such as bad RAM or a bad motherboard component and offer you options for getting it fixed (which shouldn't cost anything as long as it is still under warranty).

You can at least do a RAM diagnostic on your own if you wish using a tool such as the Windows Memory Diagnostic.

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