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Good morning,

I'm french => Would you be kind enough and forgive my English ?

I'm afraid I've got a problem with MBAM, about the durations of the scans. Maybe it's the same by you ?

BEFORE => 206 000 elements with COMPLETE Analysis : MBAM took 31 minutes.

NOW, 9 minutes only

BEFORE => 159 000 elements with RAPID analysis : MBAM took 16 minutes.

NOW, 1 minutes only

I have, of course re-installed MBAM but => no change for the durations of the scans

for info, I join the 2 logs of this morning, saturday may-2011-07 :


Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

Version de la base de donn

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I am going out on a limb here, but I believe this to be normal. With the new and improved scan engine with the latest version of malwarebytes the scan times have been reduced due to the file caching that happens with windows.

If you reboot your computer and then run a scan you will notice your times will increase. If you then perform another scan, without rebooting you will see that the scan happens and completes in a shorter time.

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Hello Firefox and exile360

Please, could I beg you to shoot the 2 scans of MBAM (COMPLETE and RAPID) on your own pc ?

... and forward me your durations ?

Thanks for help !

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Here's the results of 2 Quick Scans, the first was done after reboot, the second was done right after:

Scan 1:

Scan type: Quick scan

Objects scanned: 153282

Time elapsed: 1 minute(s), 22 second(s)

Scan 2:

Scan type: Quick scan

Objects scanned: 153286

Time elapsed: 49 second(s)

As for a Full Scan, that will vary greatly because of the number of files and the types of files. Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware does not scan all file types, as it skips files that are not executable and it also does not scan zip/RAR or any other type of archive files.

Your current scan times sound correct for most configurations, at least for the Quick Scan, the Full Scan depends on how many files were checked etc. As for the difference, you say "Before", what exactly does that mean? Before what? A previous database version or program version? If so, then that is also to be expected as we have made many improvements to speed up the scanning engine lately which will reduce scan times greatly in most cases.

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Hello, exile360,

" As for a Full Scan, that will vary greatly because of the number of files and the types of files. Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware does not scan all file types, as it skips files that are not executable and it also does not scan zip/RAR or any other type of archive files.

Your current scan times sound correct for most configurations, at least for the Quick Scan, the Full Scan depends on how many files were checked etc. As for the difference, you say "Before", what exactly does that mean? Before what? A previous database version or program version? If so, then that is also to be expected as we have made many improvements to speed up the scanning engine lately which will reduce scan times greatly in most cases. "

Thanks. You are right. "Before" meant that the number of files checked (Full scan) was the same (# 205 000) The program version is the same

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Excellent, so if you restart your PC, does the scan time increase? If so, then what you are experiencing is disk caching speeding the scan up. It checks files much faster after the first scan has been performed until you reboot the system again, which resets disk caching.

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  • 1 month later...

OK...My scans were ultra short for both full scan, and the quick scan. Both would finish up under 30 seconds. What I discovered today is that somehow or another Malbytes had the primary drive (in my case C:) on ignore. This resulted in the very short time. After I removed C: from ignore the scan times increased dramatically to typical scan times. So check your settings. I know that I never placed C: on ignore list. So it is possible that a vunerability has been found in Malbyte programming that is letting a rogue program change settings without knowledge.

that is just my opinion... I never had any trouble with any versions until I upgraded to the version.


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Please start your own topic if you wish to receive assistance.:)

I am not asking for assistance. I am pointing out that I had a similar problem as the original poster, and found out why my scans were ultra short.

It's a solution, and not a question. I am sure there are others that have not discovered that their primary drive maybe ignored in their settings. :D

Thank you though,


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