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I'm sure this is probably an easy question but I can't seem to find the answer. One group within my company runs MB on their machines. These machines are not allowed open access to the internet but instead have holes poked in the firewall to allow them out to only certain sites. Every couple of months they come to me and say they can't update MB. I then have to watch the traffic logs to see if I can spot where they are trying to go for the update and allow access to that ip. It will work for a while and then stop working as the software tries to point at a different ip address (out of some pool I guess) and I have to repeat the process to find the correct ip address to let them out to.

Is there a complete list somewhere of all the ip address that machines should be allowed to connect to to get MB updates? So far I've spotted and but having the complete list would be very helpful and save time. Is it just the net block?


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