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Hello, :D

i got a question about malwarebytes. Is it really developed in Visual basic .Net beacuse im trying to make my own antivirus program in visual C# (it is my little project ;)) and many people says it is almost impossinle to make a good antivirus in C# and if Malwarebytes is developed in VB and it is great Antivirus shouldnt it be able to make a Great antivirus in C# to? You can easily Make a Md5 scanner in C# and VB but is it actually possible to make heuristics in VB or C# if it now is developed in VB.

This was a little but more questions then 1 but i just asked them if malwarebytes was developed in VB .Net and in that case Thats AWSOME! :rolleyes:

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I believe it is. I've installed it without the .Net Framework 2.0 and ceased to function until I got the 2.0 installed. If you look under the about tab it makes note of using VB Accelerator source code. Malwarebytes' is not an antivirus it is an antimalware and designed to work alongside one. It's protection is limited compared to an antivirus and does not catch the full amount of malware antiviruses do.

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