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Guest ITtech23

I am an IT tech and I was going around to everyone's cubes to install and run Malwarebytes. After installing it asked if I would like to update, which I said yes to. On some computers it updated fine but on others it said "Program Error Updating 12179,0, WinHttpReceiveResponse". I didn't figure this would be a MalwareBytes issue as some did receive the updates and this was all done within a 20 minute time period. I'd go to one desk and it would work, then next it did not, etc. Please advise!

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As a business you are not allowed to install or use the product in any capacity and is a violation of the EULA to do so. If you already have a corporate account then you need to contact corporate support.

All corporate and non-profit sales inquiries can be handled by contacting our corporate sales offices. Our sales team is working hard to respond to all inquiries received as quickly as possible.

Responses that include complete contact information (phone, email, company, address, etc) via our corporate webform below are prioritized:

Fill out the Web Form located Right Here

Please add the domains malwarebytes.org and salesforce.com to any spam filters or junk mail exclusion features in your email client to assure our replies get to you.

Thank you very much!

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