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Win7 x64 SP1


MB Pro

DB Ver. 6514


Every time I go to some random sites or forums, Google Chrome would report "Unable to access the network"

This is because of MB PRO, nothing else. I have no other Anti-Anything software running other than Windows Firewall. I used to go to any sites before, and now I am being restricted.

Chrome Error is:

Google Chrome is having trouble accessing the network.

This may be because your firewall or antivirus software wrongly thinks Google Chrome is an intruder on your computer and is blocking it from connecting to the Internet.

Here are some suggestions:

Try adding Google Chrome as a permitted program in your firewall or antivirus software's settings. If it is already a permitted program, try deleting it from the list of permitted programs and adding it again.

Error 138 (net::ERR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED): Unable to access the network.

IF I disable website blocking, it doesn't matter.. same story.. It still blocks it.

If I kill mbam.exe and MsMpEng.exe.... which is Defender I think... IT STILL blocks the websites and forums.

So next best would be to uninstall MB.

Now, I dont want to disable web browsing protection, else there is no point... Might as well use Javascript blocking with Firefox, and not use MB.

I dont want to conclude to MB PRO was a waste of money... So can someone please enlighten me with how to get past the Blocked Website issue.

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Hello, and Welcome to Malwarebytes

First off let me say that is is not a good idea to not have any anti-virus software installed on your computer. I would install some antivirus software on your computer first, update it and run a scan with it.

Second, if Malwarebytes Pro was installed, and it was running, when it blocks a page you will get a notification in the system tray that it blocked the page, did you get any notifications.

Third, you may be a victim of an infection that is causing these blocks, you should have your system checked by the experts...

If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned....

Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process:

You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below:

[*]Option 1

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