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After outstanding Hijackthis Logs support to deal with Malware and clean up my laptop system, I've developed some irritants which didn't exist before - i'd welcome some help please.

they are:-

automatic or my attempt at manually connecting wireless connection does not work

speaker volume is very low (when I started using your service a horizontal largish (4in X 0.5in) black bar appeared at bottom of screen with a white arrow for speaker volume, which i pushed to lowest level because of the bleeps etc but now I cant find to bring back up to normal levels

you asked me to down load Adobe flash player which I've done and remains in desktop although I've activated it to run - i think it came with Mcafee which I've disabled - should flash be in normal program file?

you asked me to down load Adobe reader, which because of (probably Mcafee appearing) I did twice (as well as flash). I now have two readers - Adobe ReaderX and Adberdr1001_en_US - which should I keep

I now have to click cursor twice into some search fields in e.g. stockbroking web-page - its cumbersome

system error appeared this morning showing a queuing error and targeted lead test failure (I'd also acquired a Trojan Downloader + Trojan Gen ......and the number of sites I've used are approx 6 - all respectable and secure in my view but maybe not)

sometimes software gets caught in a loop (ie it just goes on and on when it should close itself down) when i either switch screens or close the system down - I'll have to observe why and where to give clearer assessment of this

also prior to the clean up i exclusively used Firefox. Now, when I click on a link in say an email or document the window is opened in Internet Explorer rather than Firefox.

Symantec and Malware are showing clean logs on scans.

The general point is that none of these things happened until I followed the processes you gave me so I dont know whether any of the software disabled a feature or interfered in any way with the system. in saying that I don;t think I did anything unusual when following your intructions.


I'd be grateful if you could help with the above


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Greetings :)

I see your topic is still open with Chris (Screen317) in the Malware Removal area. Until that thread is fully resolved/closed, please do not make any alterations to your system nor allow any one else to try and advise you until that process is complete as it could cause problems with what Chris is trying to do to get your system in full working order again.

If you wish you may also mention your above issues to your helper in the Malware Removal area in you topic there and he can likely help you in getting your settings back to the way you want them as well as explain what you're seeing with regards to Reader/Flash etc.

I apologize that it must be this way, but it's simply a matter of "too many cooks in the kitchen". If you make changes to your system that Chris is unaware of, it could hinder his ability to do a proper analysis of your system to get all issues corrected and all infections removed.

Thanks for understanding :).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Samuel!


thanks for that advice and I agree re system stability and too many cooks etc - I've preached that enough times in my life!

As you can see from the other thread I had a diagnostic indicating potential disk hardware problem so I decided to go for a system upgrade by installing a new hard drive, Windows 7 Professional and Office Home and Business 2010 and one or two other newer versions of what i had installed.

this was completed yesterday and all seems very clean and quiet. Most of the items I mentioned to you have now been resolved in this process.

So with thanks for your help, and I hope I didn't waste any of your time, but I'll be happy to terminate this thread and consider all issues resolved.

Thank you - you've a great team and I'm very impressed

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