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Hi there -- First, thanks so much for everything you guys do. I really like MBAM so far, and the Malware Removal - Hijack This forum will probably save my computer.

That being said, I think there is one thing you guys could definitely do to make life easier for the folks posting their problems on that board. I think you should have original posters state how critical it is that their machine get fixed ASAP (whether the computer is used for work, leisure or is even a spare unit they hardly ever use), and whether they'd be willing to sit there and try to take care of the system in one sitting.

That way, when one of your excellent experts responds to the OP and starts helping solve the problem, they can tell the OP what their availability is like (enough for initial diagnosis, preliminary steps, or complete walk-thru) so that the OP can determine how long he/she should wait for second follow-up form the expert.

What you guys do is awesome, but I think that if after I post my issue I know the responder isn't going to go offline for a few hours without warning would make everything even more awesome-er. it would probably make life easier for the experts, too, as they'll be able to better allocate their time and resources to the folks who most need the help while still offering feedback to low-priority issues while the high-priority folks undertake the steps / scans recommended to them.

This would eliminate the need for an OP to wait days on end to getting their systems fixed,and allow you guys to close a lot more cases more quickly.

Anyway, just an idea, and thanks again for all of your help!

All my best-

the lewd ood

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Most helpers do this in their free time so one may not be available for some time. If you have the pro version you can contact customer support at support@malwarebytes.org or premium support(not included with the license) here.

Oh yeah, I totally understand that. and believe me, I completely appreciate the fact that these folks use their free time to help hapless schlubs like me when they could easily point, laugh, and say "sucks to be you"!

I just think it'd make everyone's life a little easier, and relieve a ton of stress from OPs if they just mentioned something like "I'll be offline for a little while" or "Heading to bed now, I'll try to check in in the AM" or something like that so it doesn't leave us hanging. The flipside is true, too, though. OP's need to explain how available they are so that your experts don't have to try to wait around on one topic when they could be helping other folks out (or doing something completely non-malware related entirely).

thanks again for everything you guys do!

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