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Got the "Total Vista" with the fake Total Vista Security Alert mess on my computer, Windows Vista OS, and successfully removed it with Malwarebytes. However, now I cannot run programs. Anytime I click on desktop icons or try to access a program from Start menu, it prompts for choosing which program to use to open the file. Other files like games give an error of 'application not found.' I can only get IE to run after the several attempts of the choose file prompt. How do I get my .exe files to run again? Thank you in advance.

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Hello and :welcome:

We need to see some information about what is happening in your machine. Please perform the following scan:

  • Download DDS by sUBs from one of the following links. Save it to your desktop.

    [*]Double click on the DDS icon, allow it to run.

    [*]A small box will open, with an explaination about the tool. No input is needed, the scan is running.

    [*]Notepad will open with the results.

    [*]Follow the instructions that pop up for posting the results.

    [*]Close the program window, and delete the program from your desktop.

Please note: You may have to disable any script protection running if the scan fails to run. After downloading the tool, disconnect from the internet and disable all antivirus protection. Run the scan, enable your A/V and reconnect to the internet.

Information on A/V control HERE

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