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hi i hope im posting this in the right area,i just recently became fasinated with malwarebytes..i have a nice computer and i want to keep it this way..i also look at these people giving virese as the enemy and would like to help as many as i can.

but before i go on.i downloded malwarebytes and ran a quick scan just to get an idea..it came up with 3 infections..is it okay to just delete these?or do i need to know what they are?..and how do i find out what they are?..sorry for the multi questions..i do thank you kindly.

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Greetings and welcome :)

You posted in the correct place. Please click on the Save Log button in the results screen once the scan is complete and save the scan log to your desktop or another convenient location and then open the log by double-clicking on it. Once that's done, copy and paste the log's entire contents into your next reply and we can take a look and see what was found.

If they are actual infections that were detected and not simply policy settings, then you will be instructed on how to get assistance with getting the infections removed. If they are policy settings, we'll explain what the policies are for and whether or not they should be removed or if they can be safely ignored.

Thanks :)

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