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I have 3 machines giving this error message when I try to update them.

Here's what I've tried to resolve this issue.

After reading posts in this forum I downloaded and ran mbam-clean.exe and rebooted when prompted.

I downloaded and reinstalled mbam.exe choosing NOT to update at both prompts.

I ran a quick scan that found nothing.

I tried updating the 114 day old file but got same message, so ran mbam-clean.exe again, rebooted, reinstalled mbam.exe, and downloaded mbam-rules.exe. I then ran complete scan which found nothing, so I tried updating database again. Same message again.

I deleted the rules file from C:\documents and settings\all users\app data\malwarebytes.

I reran mbam-rules.exe, then rebooted into safe mode and ran another complete scan. Nothing.

I have used msconfig to turn off all programs in startup and services (excluding Microsoft services). This turned off Microsoft Essentials. I left it off during the downloads, reinstalls and scans but have turned it back on. I also ran scans with it and found nothing.

I downloaded latest Superantispyware and installed it, but couldn't get it to run at all.

I downloaded and ran Lavasoft's Ad-aware which reported 7 items found. 6 where tracking cookies related to toolbars installed. I disabled all the toolbars running using IE8. The 7th item was a trojan. I told Ad-aware to remove all 7 items and rebooted to complete removal.

I'm wondering if disabling all services with msconfig is keeping Malwarebytes from properly updating rules.

I've confined most of my efforts to this PC in hopes of solving the problem on it before trying to tackle other two. This one is the fatest of the 3. All run XPsp3 and use IE8, Microsoft Essentials.

Please advise.



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