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Hi. I'm currently trying to clean up an old desktop that I have to use as a backup. There is this program: SystemSuite 8 Professional thats on it now that I want to remove. However, there is no unistall for this program. It is not in Add/remove programs, and I do not have the original cd. I believe I read somewhere online that if I ran a deep scan of MB, it would find it and give me the option to remove. However that wasnt the case either. This program, amongst many other things, are slowing down this dinosaur of a pc. (bad enough i was advised there are several partitions on this desktop...(as if I knew what that was)). Can I remove this program with MB?? Even if I have to pay for a download version of MB, i'm willing to do that.

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If you have the real SystemSuite Pro, MalwareBytes won't remove that. Two options for removal:

1. If you can obtain the install file, reinstall it then see if it appears in Add/Remove

2. Use Revo Uninstaller to remove it. You could try the free version at http://www.revouninstaller.com/revo_uninstaller_free_download.html but you may nee the Pro version (you can get a free trial) to totally remove all the leftovers.

But be aware that there is also malware called Windows System Suite, see http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/virus-removal/remove-windows-system-suite

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