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I have been a user of Malwarebytes for a couple of weeks now, and as of yesterday, if I leave my computer, a Malwarebytes scan starts unexpectedly. I can not find anything relating to some sort of 'scan if computer is not in use' sort of setting. I do use the Scheduler and that works fine.

Is there a setting I'm missing?


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Hello ozone,

What does your scheduled item look like? More importantly what value is the 'Recover if Missed by:' Drop-down option show as?


As you see the Recover by missed option I have in the above example is set for 5 hours. That means if the scheduled item fails, within 5 hours whenever possible MBAM will perform the scheduled item.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask :)

Thank you!

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Thanks Mainard. This is probably what it is as my last scan was about two days ago and that is what the setting was at. However, as far as I know the scan two days ago was successful. At least I didn't get a message indicating that it didn't finish.

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How often does it repeat?

Some scans are set as daily that repeat each day, so if the scheduled item misses the repeat and is within the recover time MBAM will perform the scheduled item.

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Can you please attach the scan logs for me please (3-4 will do).

In addition please attach a screen capture of the scheduled scan you have within your scheduler.

Thank you very much!

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It looks like you have the option checked for: "Perform flash scan after successful update"

If that is accurate that means the scans are occurring right after you download a new update. With a scheduled update that is where you are seeing these seemingly 'random' scans.

Could you please take a screen capture of your scheduled items and attach it in your next reply.

Thank you very much!

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Well that was it! Didn't see that setting. Thank you so very much Mainard. Actually, now I kind of like that feature. So if a new database is downloaded and used, it does a very quick scan to catch anything that might have gotten by through the old database. Brilliant!


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I am glad everything is working as you like. :)

If you have any other issues in the future please feel free to create a new topic describing the issue/concern in detail and a friendly helper will be glad to assist you.

Thank you very much!

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