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I was going to install ZoneAlarm and test this for you, but it requires that you either have XP SP3, or some stupid hotfix that you cannot download. Since I prefer to leave my test setup running unpatched SP2, then I guess I won't be able to help.

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I was going to install ZoneAlarm and test this for you, but it requires that you either have XP SP3, or some stupid hotfix that you cannot download. Since I prefer to leave my test setup running unpatched SP2, then I guess I won't be able to help.

If you really wanted to test it, you can get one of the previous versions from here: http://oldversion.com/program.php?n=zalarm I can't test it as I'm on Vista x64 and have a different paid firewall (which works perfectly with MBAM by the way).

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If you really wanted to test it, you can get one of the previous versions from here: http://oldversion.com/program.php?n=zalarm I can't test it as I'm on Vista x64 and have a different paid firewall (which works perfectly with MBAM by the way).

Do you have a Windows XP disk? You can use something like VirtualBox to run a virtual computer, and install XP on it.

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