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Forgive me if I have overlooked what I am searching for - I did a search for "searchontop.com" and come up empty handed. I am a new purchaser of MBAM and have run two scans unsuccessfully to untangle the following after getting rid of virustrigger (is there a special place in hell for these fiends?):

Using IE, I type in a google search, click on the link, there is a delay, then I'm taken to some ridiculously unrelated page, and almost immediately I am attacked by "antispyware.etc" and/or another attempt by virus trigger. I searched the "How to Remove" section of this forum in hopes of finding instructions for removing the infection which contintually hijacks my IE searches.

Also, thank you JeaninMontana, I have printed off your instructions with the SpyBot, & Panda Active Scan and am in the process of gathering logs per those instructions. I apologize if I'm in the wrong spot for this thread.


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