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A friend has this plague on her computer. She tried running MalwareBytes and the virus would not let her run it. Then she downloaded the Rescue CD from Avira per instructions on this forum. She says the CD is all in German and she does not speak or read German. I do not know if she is doing this right or not but she still can not run MalwareBytes. Anyone who can help, please do.

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Greetings pene4urthots, here's my thoughts (sorry bad joke couldn't help myself). Now, on to assisting you, to get Avira to run in english, load it up and when it gets to the language selection screen arrow down to english and press the space bar, that will place the X next to the right language. Then hit enter and follow the instructions on doin a full scan. Tell it to remove what it finds. If that doesn't knock that nasty infection out for your friend then please follow AdvancedSetup's instructions here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...amp;#entry35969 I hope I've been helpful, good luck and safe surfing.

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Greetings pene4urthots, here's my thoughts (sorry bad joke couldn't help myself). Now, on to assisting you, to get Avira to run in english, load it up and when it gets to the language selection screen arrow down to english and press the space bar, that will place the X next to the right language. Then hit enter and follow the instructions on doin a full scan. Tell it to remove what it finds. If that doesn't knock that nasty infection out for your friend then please follow AdvancedSetup's instructions here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...amp;#entry35969 I hope I've been helpful, good luck and safe surfing.

Thank you Exile360 and I happen to like your joke. :angry: I will relay your instructions and thank you SO much.

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