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Transferring data from a corrupted user account to a new user account?

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I recently purchased the Malwarebytes Pro to prevent infections. Earlier this week, despite having the upgrade program, I got an infection of something called XP Anti-Spyware. I spent the last two days, with the assistance of Mr. Larry Tate of your support staff, cleaning all the malware out of my system.


As a result of this infection, my main user account was corrupted. Larry helped me to create a new user account. Unfortunately, the new user account has none of my data, e-mail, skype, etc. Larry suggested that I post here in hopes that someone could help me to transfer all of my data from the corrupted account to the new account. Although I was mostly able to follow Larry's instrcutions the last two day, I am someone with only moderate computer abilities and tranferring data is something I have no idea how to do. I would appreciate any help you can give me.

Thank You for any assistance you can provide me.

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Hello alohaguy53!

Please follow the directions HERE The Microsoft support article will assist in moving the data from one account to the other.

If you have any questions please feel free to post detailing the issue you are having and I will gladly assist you.

Thank you!

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