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have windows xp service pack 3 windows froze one day so I reset and it gets to the screen where the blue bars show it's loading then it stops. I can't get into safe mode,last good configuration or anything either even with xp boot disc only the bios and the recovery console which I have tried fixmbr and chkdsk neither work what can I do?

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Hello and Welcome!

First off I think we need to make sure its not hardware related. You need to run some diagnostics on that computer and test the RAM and Hard drives to start with. Windows may have become corrupt due to faulty memory or hard drive.

Some computers have build in diagnostics, like Dell for example, during the bootup, you can press F12 and choose Diagnostics for the menu that comes up.

What brand of computer do you have?

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well kinda custom built processor is a sempron 2800 plus, and I dont see that the F12 key does anything on startup? All I see is F9 xpress recovery del is bios and F8 to choose safe mode and how I want to start with networking and stuff but none of these work anyway just recovery console and bios. I dont see anything that says diagnostics.

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