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Or was I wrong?

Hello people! I'd like to know if the Pro version of MBAM (with realtime protection) could replace my free AV? It crossed my mind today seeing how a scan with MBAM is almost always ordered in malware removal forum. It appears to me that MBAM is sort of an all-rounder. :unsure:

Say, if a rogue is detected and is removed (files and folder deleted from C:\Program Files), would that negatively affect my system? Without running the uninstaller, wouldn't that leave a lot of stuff in my registry and also my Add / Remove Program window? I'm torn between 1) running the uninstaller from the malware maker or 2) deleting the program outright... :blink:

Hope to hear. Thank you!

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Hello and :welcome:

In one simple answer NO!. Malwarebytes is not an antivirus program, it is designed to work hand in hand with your antivirus program. You still need to have an antivirus program active, due to the way it works. Antivirus programs scan your downloaded files while they are being downloaded for example, where Malwarebytes will only scan them if you execute them.

There are other reasons as well, doing a search on this forum will yield plenty of results in this subject.

All the same, you need to have both an anti-virus program and Malwarebytes Pro (preferred) to be protected.

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