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I know very little about these problems and pretend to know even less so I'll try to be as clear as possible:

When I right click on the icon in the lower right hand corner and select 'check for updates', I recieve the following message;

"Update failed. Make sure you are connected to the internet and firewall is set to allow Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to access the Internet."

So, I double-clicked on the desktop icon to open the Malawarebytes program and selected UPDATE tab and then selected CHECK FOR UPDATES. The response was I have 'the latest database version'. Then, I added the malawarebytes program in the EXCEPTIONS tab of the Firewall window and checked the box.

Then I performed the same right click in the lower right corner as described above and checked for updates. I received the same Update failed message.

I guess I'm confused as to whether I have the latest version or not and should it work this way?

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Greetings, and welcome to the forum. Others have been having this issue lately and the developers are looking into it. I believe it has something to do with one of the servers. The quick flash is most likely when it checks for an update but there isn't one, so the updater just exits. You can refer to this thread for more info: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...;hl=auto+update I hope I have been helpful. If you have any more quetions or issues please don't hesitate to ask. I hope I have been helpful, good luck and safe surfing.

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