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??FPs in def 1469


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Having the same problem here with defs. No 1469. It flagged up several Avast! AV files as being "Trojan.Vundo" when MBAM was set to start with Windows and with protection module enabled. Computer became uresponsive to any key and to the mouse. Had to do a hard shutdown and startup to get it working.

It doesn't happen when I do a scan with the protection module disabled-only noticed it on startup with it enabled. No abnormal behaviour otherwise detected or noticed by me on the comp. Disabled protection module for the present-comp working just fine.

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unfortunately I can't reproduce this "error" with the current defs of 1471; it looks like whatever it was was corrected between 1470 & 1471. However in the meantime I've completely uninstalled and reinstalled MBAM (probably an unecessary step), updated it and turned the protection module on and just rebooted and the problem has gone. working beautifully with Avast! running also.

If it happens again I'll make sure to identify,zip & upload the relevant file(s).

Thanks for taking the time to respond

A nod of thanks to the deities, greater and lesser!


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nosirrah, here is a copy of the file "ashAvast.exe",zipped up, that you'd asked another person for (I believe it was Tevion).Not sure/can't remember if it's that particular file that was flagged up with me but there you go.

Hope it helps,


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