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Luckily I have never come across a Malware infection but I want to know if I come across one and both MBAM Pro and my AV detects it at the same time and asks for confirmation to quarantine the Malware, which one should I tell to quarantine the Malware ie. my AV or MBAM Pro?And should I tell the other pop-up to ignore the infection?


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Greetings :)

This is VERY unlikely to happen because Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware does not check files on-access (i.e., as they are downloaded), only as they attempt to execute, which is going to be long after your AV has already taken a look at the file since AV's do scan files on-access. That being said, if this ever did happen for some reason, you can do either one but the order in which you click is what matters. You should first have one of the programs ignore the threat, then have the other remove the threat, that way the file is not locked by one program waiting for you to decide what to do with it while the other is trying to delete it.

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