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I uninstalled all virus software and now everything is fine and my computer returned to normal

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so one day out of the blue, I get this red badge with an x in the middle of it in my sys tray.

I get online and search for reasons, and every where I read it says you got a virus / rouge software

that (YOU) volintarily installed.....

"I never isntalled anything"

yet the forum tech posts all over malware ring of user installs how we all volintarily installed antivirus-bla-bla


some of you guys need to shut the hell up and quit saying we volunteered to install this rouge

if you've volinteered to help

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Sorry to see you had such a hard time. Often rogues now get in by what are called "drive by" downloads. Basically a trojan will install itself without your knowlege or consent and then it will download the rogue software to your system. As far as anti-malware tools not installing, we've seen that a lot too. It's related to a rootkit/trojan (basically a very well hidden piece of malicious software) that get's downloaded/installed by the trojan and then blocks many anti-malware programs from installing or running. I don't know about elsewhere, but I haven't seen too much condescension here on this forum, after all, we've all been there. In fact, that's the reason many of us become helpers with other people's malware troubles. We've seen it before, it frustrated us, made us angry and we were upset that the writers of all these viruses and malicious code were getting away with it. So we learned all we could about fighting it, some of the more advanced users even created their own specialized tools to remove some of the really nasty stuff, and here we are today trying to help people who have encountered these terrible problems when all they wanted to do was use their computers. I sympathize, I really do, I've been treated well by techs in the past, and I've been treated like an idiot, which wasn't helpful at all. If you are truly clean I am glad but if the alerts come back and you are willing to deal with me or any of the other users here, please don't hesitate to ask for help. Again, I'm very sorry you had a bad experience here, but I hope that in the future should you need assistance again that you will be willing to ask and that the person you deal with will help you in a kind and professional manner. Good luck and safe surfing.

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