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Having recently purchased a new computer with Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit, I was curious to know if there was any plans to create this. Yes, I realize 32 bit does fine on a 64 bit system. However, 64 bit programs load much faster and are optimized for the processor and memory.

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Greetings and welcome :)

Thanks for the suggestion. I'm not sure if there are any plans or not at this point, and you rightly point out that 32 bit programs do fine on x64. I'm an x64 user myself (both 7 and Vista) and I've honestly noticed little difference (if any) between native x64 versions of programs that I've used and x86 versions. My system is a laptop with a Core2Duo T6600 (a bit outdated perhaps) and 8GB of RAM. I'm sure it would make some difference, but I don't know how measurable it would be, especially considering the amount of memory used by MBAM, which itself should never exceed (or even come close to) 4GB (which is the advantage from the viewpoint of memory access on x64). As for CPU, x64 allows access to 48bit threads (not 64bit unfortunately) vs x86, which is 32bit threads, so while there could be some gains, it would likely be negligable.

That is not to say that it won't happen, it may, I just don't think it will be as impressive from a performance point of view as some have claimed.

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