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My PC running XP is infected with the XP Home Security 2011 virus and it has disabled my Internet access.

I have downloaded Malwarebytes on another PC, renamed it and I have run it in Safe Mode/Administrator on the affected PC.

Issues encountered:

As soon as it started it said that the database was 109 old. Asked if I wanted to update it, I said yes but since the virus is blocking Internet access it did not and received this error: An error has occurred. Please report this error code to our support team. PROGRAM_ERROR_UPDATING (12007, 0, WinHttpSendRequest)

It then prompted the screen for the Scan, performed a Full Scan and removed about 20 items. However it did not remove the XP Home Security 2011 virus. This is the one I need to remove to regain my PC.

Question is... if I had an updated database, would the XP Home Security 2011 virus be removed? If so, why can't the database be always kept up to date so that when users download your product they always get the latest version as in most cases the Internet access on the PC is disabled by the virus?

Given this situation, how do I remove my virus.

Please help!!!



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