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I am having the same (or a similar) problem on a Windows 7 machine.

Ran MalwareBytes full scan with updated database (well, OK, it said my database was already up to date)and it detected Extension.Mismatch. I deleted it, restarted the computer as instructed. A couple of days later I ran a MalwareBytes Quick scan and it did not detect problems. Today I ran a full scan and Extension.Mismatch was there again. I removed it and the log file said "Files Infected:

c:\programdata\Trusteer\Rapport\store\user\conf\36848\logos\4cc5442da9bbbcc37becf7380e509c7a_var_0.png (Extension.Mismatch) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully".

What is Extension.Mismatch ? Is it malware ? If so, how is it managing to reinfect my machine and how do I remove it definitively ?

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  • Staff

Hi and welcome to Malwarebytes.

I've split your topic off from the other user's.

Extension.Mismatch is when a file has one type of extension (in this case, a .png (a picture file)), when in reality, it's secretly a different file type. Please update MBAM, run a Quick Scan, and post its log; quarantine everything found.

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