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Any rumors on OEM sale date of gear with FREE Win8 Upgrade when available that use non-SATA3 problem CPUs?

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I want a new computer in the worst way to replace my four-year old HP 2.Ghz, dual core PC running Vista SP/2. I've waited long enough now that I figure it won't be long before manufacturers start offering Computers with the 2nd Generation INTEL CPUs (without the SATA3 problem) running Win7 with an offer for a free upgrade to Windows8 when released.

Any, and all, rumors welcome here.. There's bound to be a speck of truth through-out any rumor.. Specifically looking for "quad-core, 3.2ghz+" type performance with a RAID-1 package of two 1TB HDs and 16 Gigs of RAM

Thanks in advance,


Edited by ShyWriter
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I want a new computer in the worst way to replace my four-year old HP 2.GHz, dual core PC running Vista SP/2.

Your system is a bit better than what many folks have. I hope you keep what you have, after getting a new one, and give serious consideration to making it dual boot with Linux.

I think you'll be surprised at the boost in speed for some things.

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The 22nm Ivy bridge will be ghz monsters as they will be both more mature versions of the Sandy Bridge architecture (which people are pushing to 5.0 ghz on air based coolers) and have smaller transistors which in general generate less heat and by this very nature OC better. By the time these come out (late this year) USB3 devices will start to pop up as well as SSDs that can fully utilize the SATA 600 interface. I would not be at all surprised if these 22nm chips come out in 4.0 ghz+ versions right out of the box, heck Sandy Bridge may get there as well.

I am building a company machine this weekend with my first ever Sandy Bridge CPU (i5, going to OC to 4.4~4.8 ghz) so Ill let you know how it goes.

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The 22nm Ivy bridge will be ghz monsters as they will be both more mature versions of the Sandy Bridge architecture (which people are pushing to 5.0 ghz on air based coolers) and have smaller transistors which in general generate less heat and by this very nature OC better. By the time these come out (late this year) USB3 devices will start to pop up as well as SSDs that can fully utilize the SATA 600 interface. I would not be at all surprised if these 22nm chips come out in 4.0 ghz+ versions right out of the box, heck Sandy Bridge may get there as well.

I am building a company machine this weekend with my first ever Sandy Bridge CPU (i5, going to OC to 4.4~4.8 ghz) so Ill let you know how it goes.

Cool; YES.. please let us know how things work out..



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Any, and all, rumors welcome here.. There's bound to be a speck of truth through-out any rumor.. Specifically looking for "quad-core, 3.2ghz+" type performance with a RAID-1 package of two 1TB HDs and 16 Gigs of RAM

Thanks in advance,


Hello Shy

How about this laptop, this should fit your needs. :)

Model: Asus VX7-A1

Display: 15.6" FHD Glossy (1920x1080)

CPU: Intel

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@sho-dan: :D:lol:

The best I can do is use my elf contacts to drop a hint in Santa's ear for you.. I look at these laptops (and boy did I get jealous of my son-in-law's iPAD2 when he came over with the family this week and I had to enable my wireless for him - Sweeeeeeet!!) but with me home most of the time, I'm still holding out for a desktop unit that has a screen big enough even my old-age eyes can read. :P When I was still working as a field engineer I would have given my left *** for a unit like that ASUS though.. Thanks for passing along the info, my friend..


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The system is all built and I have decided that 4.4 GHZ is plenty. For a HDD I went with the OCZ Revo X2 240gig SSD and 8 gigs of dual channel DDR3 2000 (2 * 4gigs so I can maintain T1 timing).

This is one ripping fast machine and finishes a MBAM quick scan in 11 seconds (7 64 SP1).

All performance scores are 7.8 and 7.9, first I have ever seen that in person. This is crazy as this is dual channel memory, not triple channel and the CPU is a 4 core, not a 6 or 8 core.

I used to be an AMD supporter and hope that their 32nm chips can catch up and pass Intel's 32nm chips because there is no hope at all once these go to 22nm.

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  • Root Admin

I assume this is the drive you used from OCZ, 240GB - OCZSSDPX-1RVDX0240

What mother board did you end up using? I was going to build one for work but there are so many posts with people having corruption and delayed write errors I didn't want to have that issue.

Are you having any delayed write or corruption issues?

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I went with this mobo as I could confirm ahead of time that it is indeed compatible with this SSD.

That is actually a critical step if you want to go PCIe SSD, there are some very bad compatibility issues that could prevent the drive from being bootable. The issues are not actually related to the SSD but instead of room to store multiple boot roms from multiple controllers. As far as I know there is no way to raid 2 regular drives and also use a SSD PCIe boot SSD as BIOS just was not designed to handle that much boot data. This should be fixed once UEFI takes over but that also requires that we say goodbye to 32bit OSs.

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Nice and fast box you got there Bruce, what video card are you using. I also use Gigabyte motherboards (GA-EP35C-DSSR and GA-EP45-DS3R/DSE) and two Gigabyte 3D Mars alum. towers, I built.

Gigabyte MB so far, have been the winner for the past couple of years.;)

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Nice and fast box you got there Bruce, what video card are you using. I also use Gigabyte motherboards (GA-EP35C-DSSR and GA-EP45-DS3R/DSE) and two Gigabyte 3D Mars alum. towers, I built.

Gigabyte MB so far, have been the winner for the past couple of years.;)


I had to go with a case mod to make it fit :P

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I went with this case as well (4th system I have built using this case). I can confirm that its amazing ratings are well deserved. The only problem I have ever had with it is the fan bracket built into the door. If you go with an aftermarket CPU cooler it will be in the way of the door bracket, I have had to mod every case so far to make them fit. If you go with stock cooling or liquid cooling there should be plenty of room though.

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I'm still waiting myself for Intel's next gen chipsets for the same reason. I really want to get a new lappy with a beefy quad core and tons of RAM, but I, like you, am waiting for the next-gen stuff to hit. Hopefully Intel won't keep us waiting too much longer.

My wishlist lappy is in Post #6 ASUS VX7-A1 if I had a ton of money, do you have a ton money in your pocket exile360. I know you do, does this wet your whistle :P

Starting at $2,269.00 and showing just a couple of beefed up options to this price. ;)

2nd Generation Intel

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Nice lappy, but I think the SSD's are driving up the price way too much and I can't use them anyway. They're far too unreliable/prone to failure to use as a test rig.

edit: just took a closer look (via the customize option) and they only offer NVIDIA, no ATI so I'm out, otherwise a customized (non-SSD) version of this lappy would be exactly what I'm looking for. I want a 15.6" or smaller lappy with at least 1920x1080 res, a beefy next-gen i7 (quad of course) and the RAM can either already be maxed out, or I can buy RAM to max it out so the amount of memory is optional, the same goes for the HDD.

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Your configuration page is not showing, Bruce. But judging from the standard specs and the upgrades that can be added, this is a big bull of a lappy and like it can stop a frieght train. Sweeeet, its make the ASUS lappy look like a baby. B)


As for a wishlist thought, where money is no object I always choose the biggest baddest upgrades. Being practical, I would add my own hardware to bring the price down if needed. ;)

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