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"Money for nothings; taxes for Free.." ; or was that Chicks for free.. Oh well..

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For those of you that don't use a professional tax preparer or the website-based free tax software, a certain Office Supply store is selling a certain brand of their DELUXE non-state edition for $5 off their normal price and a $15 mail-in REBATE if purchased by 4/23/2011.. It includes FIVE *free* (a $15.95 value for each e-file) electronic e-files using just the one included KEY..

I never pay the ridiculous prices these software companies want for tax software when February rolls around; I wait until the price drops or I get a deal, like mentioned above. Since I'm a member of the SPAM HUNTERS group it wouldn't bode well for me to mention names or links to this deal; all I can say is read your Sunday newspaper inserts and be observant. When all is said and done, I got my tax software for FREE instead $39.95 and it cost me what a regular tax e-file costs; about $15-16.. to be 100% filed and complaint with our US tax laws before the April 18th filing deadline. (April 15th is a federal holiday this year so procrastinators have until Midnight, Monday, 18th of April, to file..)


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