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Well Done to MBAM and the Forum Support...

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Well guys,

I'm new here, (have posted a couple of times), but I would like to say something and let everyone know it:

A BIG BRAVO to the MBAM's team for developing an effective and functional anti-malware software...Before I buy the full version, I did some serious research into this issue (not because of the cost, but because of the number of product offers out there)...and found out that, not only MBAM is getting serious prositive comments from everyone who have used it, but also they recommended it with their "eyes closed"...

Also, I see from this forum, that these (MBAM's team) and other people who have the knowledge, are willing to help in the true sence and meaning of the word.

Since, myself, I have no interest in the company of MB (I'm saying that, cos you always have someone who is suspicious about these kind of posts), I just thought it would be nice to let MBAM's team and everyone else here know that their efforts are much appreciated by the average customer (thats me)....and at the same time making an exception to the rule, which usually is to complain for any product that does not meet our requirements(I put myself in this category too!), but rarely say a good word for a product that does meet our demands.



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Well guys,

I'm new here, (have posted a couple of times), but I would like to say something and let everyone know it:

A BIG BRAVO to the MBAM's team for developing an effective and functional anti-malware software...Before I buy the full version, I did some serious research into this issue (not because of the cost, but because of the number of product offers out there)...and found out that, not only MBAM is getting serious prositive comments from everyone who have used it, but also they recommended it with their "eyes closed"...

Also, I see from this forum, that these (MBAM's team) and other people who have the knowledge, are willing to help in the true sence and meaning of the word.

Since, myself, I have no interest in the company of MB (I'm saying that, cos you always have someone who is suspicious about these kind of posts), I just thought it would be nice to let MBAM's team and everyone else here know that their efforts are much appreciated by the average customer (thats me)....and at the same time making an exception to the rule, which usually is to complain for any product that does not meet our requirements(I put myself in this category too!), but rarely say a good word for a product that does meet our demands.



Thank you very much for your kind words.

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