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A False Positive?


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Greetings Folks,

Firstly, let me just say thanks for a great product. As I am somewhat religious about maintaining healthy PC's, I find Malwarebytes as one of my indispensable tools. Now, on to my post...

Following some routine maintenance this evening, I ran MBAM and noticed it almost immediately hit on a couple of "infections" in my Registry. Allowing the program to complete, I then viewed the results pointing to objects I quickly recognized. Earlier, I ran Iolo System Mechanic Pro which pointed out a couple of potential security issues related to .reg and .scr files, recommending them to be set to open with Notepad. Understanding the rational with that recommend, I went ahead and allowed the change. Those two items however came up in the malware scan as "Broken.OpenCommand" vendors. Recognizing what those two objects were, I simply created the log and sent them to the "Ignore List"...no big deal.

I figured however, I should shoot the results past you folks just as information allowing you to determine whether or not this is something on your end that needs to be addressed. I'd also certainly be open for input on my choice to make the decision to have those files open with Notepad only.

Anyway, attached is the Log File if you need it. Feel free to hit me up for more info. Thanks again for your product.




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  • 1 year later...

KINS the registry keys that mbam keep detecting is because of system mechanic i have system mechanic on my computer and have ignored them and everything is fine after that please select them and click on the ignore button an once done that click remove and then you can close mbam hope that helps with your problem,


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Also the team are aware that mbam detects this they do that as malware or legitmet programs can change the settings but if its a legitmet program then the more advanced user would realise and tell mbam to ignore it hope that helps some more,


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