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MBAM 12/4/08

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I downloaded updates for MBAM yesterday and it read:

Database version: 1455

Fingerprints loaded: 59623

Version 1.31

Tonight I did another download of a fairly large update for 12/4/08. It reads:

Database version: 1460

Fingerprints loaded: 59576

Version 1.31

Why are the Fingerprints that loaded this time LOWER than the previous ones?

Doesn't the "Database version" AND "Fingerprints loaded" INCREASE with each download?

Shouldn't the Fingerprints loaded be higher than 59623 (as they have been in the past)?

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Thank you.

So I was wrong in thinking that both numbers will always INCREASE?

In some instances the number(s) will decrease? Both numbers, or just the FP?

This means either some FP's were removed or a heuristic detection for a certain type of malware was added that allows many or all variants of it to be detected without an individual definition for each file/reg entry etc.
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We added powerful heuristics that rendered multiple definitions obsolete .

We are not the typical antivirus or antimalware company that likes to trick its users with gigantic and completely meaningless definition count numbers .

If we have pointless definitions they get removed .

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