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Hello Forum!

Been using MBam for a quite a while and just purchased it-

Browsing with the web protection I get a lot of "out going" blocked.

The tab appears with just an IP address and the "out going" status, I was wondering if it's possible to log any extra info, (I can't find any extra info about why the block occurred)

I have a suspicion MBam is angry at one of the web pages I visit because calls my flash LSO(Local stored object), that's the only thing I could find on the page.

Would be good to know what is being blocked, that is, if it's even possible to trace such things :).


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Nothing :) fairly clean install of XP, It's an interesting form of protection, it sometimes blocks my re-connections to some servers on IRC but not 100% of the time, also got a hit from speedtest.net

More from Steam and star craft2 updater. All were "out-going"

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Blocked IP's are based on the IP in question being known for hosting malicious content. That does not necessarily mean that the site you visited is itself unsafe, simply that there may be other sites hosted on the same IP address that are unsafe.

P2P programs such as IRC clients, Skype, Bittorrent, and game servers often use a wide range of IP addresses, some of which may also host malicious content, which is why you'll tend to see more IP blocks when using such software.

I hope that clears things up a bit. Also, if you are visiting a webpage that you believe is safe and you receive and IP block, it could possibly be a false positive and may warrant further investigation by our staff of researchers so that they can look into it and remove the IP from our block list. To do so, please refer to this post: IP Blocking False Positives and post the info here: False Positives.

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